Archives: Photos
“When you get inside, put your baseball bags away.” I wonder what goes through their minds where putting the bags kinda against the wall *under* the hooks is equal to putting them *on* the hooks
“When you get inside, put your baseball bags away.” I wonder what goes through their minds where putting the bags kinda against the wall *under* the hooks is equal to putting them *on* the hooks
Hung up the baseball bat and picked up the paint brushes. T’s “Gumball Happiness” was chosen as one of her school’s representative pieces at district’s youth art month exhibit. The opening reception was today and it’ll be on display through the end of the month at the AISD Performing Arts Center. She’s definitely far more artistically skilled than I was in Kindergarten
Hung up the baseball bat and picked up the paint brushes. T’s “Gumball Happiness” was chosen as one of her school’s representative pieces at district’s youth art month exhibit. The opening reception was today and it’ll be on display through the end of the month at the AISD Performing Arts Center. She’s definitely far more…
O telling about how she stole home in the game today
O telling about how she stole home in the game today
Five baseball players, two coaches, and three games today. T and the twins played hard this morning with head coach Dad and batting coach Grandpa. MC and I are off to play/coach her coach-pitch game. I have to miss O’s first kid-pitch game, so V will be replacing me as scorekeeper. Baseball is a family game
Five baseball players, two coaches, and three games today. T and the twins played hard this morning with head coach Dad and batting coach Grandpa. MC and I are off to play/coach her coach-pitch game. I have to miss O’s first kid-pitch game, so V will be replacing me as scorekeeper. Baseball is a family…
Of all my Automattic or WordPress merch, I love this little headband more than is logical. I grabbed a few and wore them during almost every work out since 2013.
Of all my Automattic or WordPress merch, I love this little headband more than is logical. I grabbed a few and wore them during almost every work out since 2013.
Here’s my “woke up late, didn’t shower, need to shave, but damn it, I need a taco” face.
Here’s my “woke up late, didn’t shower, need to shave, but damn it, I need a taco” face.