Archives: Photos
Father-Daughter Dance at @st.ignatiusmartyraustin. The last dance was an interesting experiment in four-person dancing.
Father-Daughter Dance at @st.ignatiusmartyraustin. The last dance was an interesting experiment in four-person dancing.
Catalina in her catching debut. Next up, learning to catch
Catalina in her catching debut. Next up, learning to catch
Teresa may still be a year or so away from coach-pitch, but it is always a good time to go to the cages
Teresa may still be a year or so away from coach-pitch, but it is always a good time to go to the cages
I’m digging the portrait mode on the Android camera.
I’m digging the portrait mode on the Android camera.
We took a lot of these and this is the best one. Ana really wanted to stick out her tongue.
We took a lot of these and this is the best one. Ana really wanted to stick out her tongue.
Happy Easter!
Happy Easter!