Archives: Photos
Beer and bakery rejected cookies. Gotta love being married to a baker
Beer and bakery rejected cookies. Gotta love being married to a baker
This is pretty well done. Notice the Mary from ND’s main building replacing Lady Liberty on the dome, the ND banner hanging, @bishopwack giving his implicit blessing. I’d just want to see Fr. John stopping by a fish fry in the same wardrobe
This is pretty well done. Notice the Mary from ND’s main building replacing Lady Liberty on the dome, the ND banner hanging, @bishopwack giving his implicit blessing. I’d just want to see Fr. John stopping by a fish fry in the same wardrobe
When a place owns that no one locally would know how to pronounce their name.
When a place owns that no one locally would know how to pronounce their name.
Had a pediconference with @thebossgod and stumbled upon an abandoned stretch of track, including a functional switch! I love finding urban treasure.
Had a pediconference with @thebossgod and stumbled upon an abandoned stretch of track, including a functional switch! I love finding urban treasure.
Digging out dinosaur bones with A&D
Digging out dinosaur bones with A&D
I can’t escape DST. The human sundial is set to DST. Sigh
I can’t escape DST. The human sundial is set to DST. Sigh