

It is really fun when you are on leave with your two-week old baby and you’re hit with the hardest cold/bringer-of-doom you can remember.


6 responses

  1. kraft Avatar

    How sick am I right now? Doing the dishes, I legit just got into an argument with my kitchen sink. The right side wasn’t clean, but it has one of those mesh things so everything should have been in it. But it wasn’t! The nerve.

  2. kraft Avatar

    Went back because I’m definitely not getting better. Yay pneumonia! It’s the early Christmas present I’ve always wanted.

  3. kraft Avatar

    And the first of the kiddos diagnosed with pneumonia. The Kraft House is full of fun this holiday season!

  4. kraft Avatar

    When the walls fell. Kiddo 2 down with pneumonia. Plus one finishing an antibiotic series for an ear infection. We’re going to need a bigger white board.

  5. kraft Avatar

    Oh what a month. Two more kids with pneumonia. Since Christmas, five ER visits, two hospital admissions, who knows how many urgent care and PCP visits, and plenty of phone calls to nurses and doctors. At least the children’s hospital is around the corner.

  6. kraft Avatar

    Check this out. What don’t you see? No medicine schedule. First time in literally two months no one is on anything besides normal maintenance. Going to knock on wood now.