

@kevinroose @automattic Even at a8c, there is the acknowledgement that some in-person time is good. We have regular team and the annual grand meetup you mentioned. These were part of a8c’s culture from day 1. It is enhancing the existing connections to help augment the rest of the year not colocated.


4 responses

  1. kraft Avatar

    @kevinroose @automattic Even in an office, you can be isolated. The person who never talks to anyone, just goes to their cube and that’s it. You can suffer the same fate colocated or WFH. The difference is there is more corporate knowledge of how to avoid that in an office.

  2. kraft Avatar

    @kevinroose @automattic Being distributed is overall count-cultural and it is a shift in how you think about work if you’ve always been colocated. Much like going from a standard employee relationship to a freelancer or entrepreneur—that’s a big shift in thinking about your working relationship…

  3. kraft Avatar

    @kevinroose @automattic It’s a big shift if you’ve spent your entire life as a “regular” employee trained in environments that promoted that culture. Same with colocated vs distributed. It takes some adjustment and intentional work to maximize it.

  4. kraft Avatar

    @kevinroose @automattic The key with distributed is each person can do that for themselves versus relying on the employer to provide that structure. Which is why coworking locations can be really good for some folks.