@JakeKushnerMD @BDWissel @TexasHHSC I wasn’t impressed by the state’s tools either. For me, in Austin, I update my own spreadsheet daily with cases, deaths, recoveries, hospitalizations, ICU and ventilator daily numbers just so I can trendline them.
2 responses
@JakeKushnerMD @BDWissel @TexasHHSC All the data is provided by the county, but I can’t find historical information nor any trend tracking until they added it a few days ago.
@JakeKushnerMD @BDWissel @TexasHHSC Check out the Key Indicators for Staging dashboard at austintexas.gov/covid19
I’ve appreciated that the health authority issued both a set of staged protocols AND a data dash on what they are looking at to judge where we are.