

@scottkclark I hear ya brother. Austin announced virtual, but you have to commit for the whole semester. They’re still mandating masks, despite the SCOTX today (“we’re not a party to that litigation”), but I can’t trust that they’ll be able to hold out as long as is needed.


3 responses

  1. kraft Avatar

    @scottkclark It sucks so hard. I want to send my kids to school. In the end, I hope we’re wrong and over-reacting. If so, we have the kids at home for the semester needlessly.

    If %#$ hits the fan and we send them back, then we’re stuck as five kids rotate through exposure/quarantine cycles.

  2. kraft Avatar

    @scottkclark So, virtual escuelita del kraft is back in session for Fall 2021. ☹️

  3. kraft Avatar

    @scottkclark I don’t think Austin or GP would do anything this drastic, but stuff like this… to me, this is what’s going to cause more disruption to education than requiring a mask.…