

@dabernathy89 There are a couple of points that come to mind for me.

1. School disruption is a big one (and a reason we went virtual for our elementary kids). How many days are they going to be sent home due to someone in the class sick?

2. Death isn’t the only negative outcome.


2 responses

  1. kraft Avatar

    @dabernathy89 To expand on 2, I really want to have some better understanding of Long COVID before feeling at ease.

    To add another 3. While childhood hospitalization is still overall pretty low with COVID, the children’s hospital system is pretty maxed between COVID and RSV right now.

  2. kraft Avatar

    @dabernathy89 If a mask mandates can help keep schools open, reduce illness with the potential for Long COVID, ensure children’s hospitals/PICUs aren’t maxed and 4. reduce spread between households… at least until all kids can get vaccinated and relatively high adoption… then let’s do it.