

I like being late to the party. Like em up and I’ll leave you unimpressed starting tonight.


33 responses

  1. kraft Avatar

    Doing a couple or so now, rest later…

  2. kraft Avatar
    1. I know the Kraft Twitter confusion is old news now. The names ppl called me were old in 3rd grade. Doing an interview w/ Wired now…
  3. kraft Avatar
    1. My dad died when I was 12 after a long fight with alcoholism. I still go between being pissed at him & missing him terribly.
  4. kraft Avatar
    1. I was accepted into Catholic seminary. Decided not to go. The day after breaking it off with the Bishop, I met my now-wife.
  5. kraft Avatar
    1. Still very religious, doesn’t always show. Don’t want to be written off as one of “those” people. Hope I’m more relevant than that.
  6. kraft Avatar

    3a. Forgot to mention that today is the 13th anniversary of the day we met.

  7. kraft Avatar
    1. Growing up, I thought we were upper middle class because our house was worth $50k and we had cable. No movie channels, we weren’t rich.
  8. kraft Avatar
    1. I feel like I can solve any problem on a computer but had to call a guy today because I couldn’t find a leak. The hose wasn’t fully off.
  9. kraft Avatar
    1. In 4th(?) grade, I almost drown at a safety patrol swim party. Still never learned and don’t like pools.
  10. kraft Avatar
    1. 6th grade, I was awarded safety patrolman of the year by the school district. Still have the badge & wonder why girls weren’t into me.
  11. kraft Avatar
    1. I want to be a niche writer, like on beer or fatherhood but feel like a poser anytime I write anything on, well, any subject actually.
  12. kraft Avatar
    1. I squandered a ton of scholarships in college by skipping class and going through delayed grief (tweet 2). Took 8 yrs for my BA.
  13. kraft Avatar
    1. Conversely I was “most decorated” senior in high school. Double-“majored” and all this IB shit. Wore a closet of cords on my regalia.
  14. kraft Avatar

    12a. [insert commentary about not propping up kids to think people give a shit about any of that a month after starting undergrad.]

  15. kraft Avatar
    1. I’m not superstitious but love “pretty” numbers. Phone number ends in 00 and I favor when numbers end in 0, 5, or 9.
  16. kraft Avatar
    1. I have three siblings who are 21-, 20-, and 17-years older than me and a full-blood niece 18 months older than me.
  17. kraft Avatar
    1. My niece’s daycare almost called CPS on me when she told them her uncle hit her with a shovel. I was two. It was plastic.
  18. kraft Avatar
    1. I love being of German descent, but want to take a genetic test in hope that I’m some part Irish too.
  19. kraft Avatar

    16a. My grandfather (who is almost 98) has his side of the family traced back to the 900s in England, so there’s a chance.

  20. kraft Avatar
    1. I started running cross-country in HS bc I liked a girl who also ran. She asked me to prom but I already had a date.
  21. kraft Avatar
    1. I’m not athletic. Passed out 1st x-country race, dead last in another. I’m stubborn, hence the marathons and half-marathons now.
  22. kraft Avatar
    1. My wife and I signed up for a marathon for Feb in honor of the 10-yr anniversary of our first marathon. We’re dumb.
  23. kraft Avatar

    Need to be an adult and do dishes, etc. I’ll finish them up later!

  24. kraft Avatar
    1. I don’t eat cereal often, but I always eat two bowls. I life-hacked to use a really small bowl so I can have two bowls w/o the impact.
  25. kraft Avatar
    1. Of any potential scientific discovery that I’d never see that wish I could would be time travel. But we’d find some way to ruin it.
  26. kraft Avatar
    1. I don’t want to get invested in new “universes” so tend to rewatch series over again (WW, ST, SG, etc)
  27. kraft Avatar
    1. My personal motto is “Life is seldom easy when done right.”
  28. kraft Avatar
    1. My backup motto is “Every pizza is a personal pizza if you believe in yourself and try really really hard.”
  29. kraft Avatar
    1. Despite knowing what happens back of house at a chain fast food place, I don’t associate that knowledge with any food I consume.
  30. kraft Avatar
    1. I like my job, but wish I had more time to work on Core WordPress. My life would be drastically different without that box of code.
  31. kraft Avatar
    1. I enjoy helping others contribute Core more than almost anything else. Most of my 70+ commits have been silly things most ppl could do
  32. kraft Avatar
    1. I still have an active site on Moveable Type.
  33. kraft Avatar
    1. Until getting married, I kept all of my books catalogued in library software. I still get anxious that my shelves aren’t logged now.