Social Notes

Short posts that are often pushed to social media (a.k.a. tweets).

  • I won $20 tonight betting on the corgi races during halftime of the Texas basketball game. Waffles the Dog is my ride or die. 🤘🐶

  • The twins are now big enough to not need a booster seat in the cars anymore. As I drag four seats (2 kids, 2 cars) to the garage, it is bonkers how much money all that was and how… just not needed anymore.

  • Happy 2025! Hope the coming year brings us all more good days than not!

  • As we celebrate the birth of Jesus, other faiths celebrate sacred days, and we all are about to celebrate the changing of the year, I pray that the Peace that entered the world at that first Christmas is welcomed in each of our hearts.

  • Everytime I think I understand holding or pass interference, I watch a game that tells me I’ve never seen the sport before. #HookEm

  • Prayer request: My cousin (via my wife) lost his newborn son. He was born early and never had great odds. His soul knows how much his family loved his short time with us. #prayerrequest