Social Notes
Short posts that are often pushed to social media (a.k.a. tweets).
Everytime I think I understand holding or pass interference, I watch a game that tells me I’ve never seen the sport before. #HookEm
Prayer request: My cousin (via my wife) lost his newborn son. He was born early and never had great odds. His soul knows how much his family loved his short time with us. #prayerrequest
My heart sinks with every school shooting. Having a 15-year old daughter myself and hearing the school was often a place where kids who need a fresh start go, hurts. I can imagine a parent knowing their kid needs help and hoping this would be a good step toward that, only for them to commit…
The twins have a living room full of friends sleeping over tonight. Last weekend, I threw a party for the six-year-old here at the house. I’m glad Christmas AFK/PTO/whatnot is just around the corner!
Still a ways away, but I’ll be at WordCamp Asia in Manilla on February 20-22, 2025. If you’d like to meet up, hit me up! #wordpress #wcasia
I’m really unsure how I lived before our tamale angel started making random visits to our home. And I’m stoked she’s kept raising her price over the years. Too many people undersell the fruit of their labor.