Tag: deacons

  • Fraternal Order of Deacons?

    I wonder, is there a “fraternal society” of deacons? I have heard of various societies for priests, like the Priestly Society of the Holy Cross, an association of diocesan priests who are united to Opus Dei. Priests who join this association are still completely under the jurisdiction of their bishop or religious order. Is there…

  • Diaconal Quote of the Week

    “Deacons are ordained clergy,” he said, “and, together with priests and bishops, they complete what the Patristic Fathers refer to as the ‘fullness of the church hierarchy,’ or the fullness of holy orders. They are not ‘substitute priests,’ but neither are they ‘glorified altar boys.’ They are ordained ministers, sharing in the Sacrament of Holy…

  • diocese of austin to ordain three deacons tomorrow

    Tomorrow, the Diocese of Austin will be ordaining three seminaries to the transitional diaconate. These three men will serve as a deacon for the next year or so before being ordained a priest for the Diocese of Austin. All are welcome to join the Diocese in this celebration at St. Mary’s Cathedral at 10 a.m.…

  • the powerless invitation

    The deacon is one who waits. He is never in charge. He is the servant of others–of God, of his bishops, of the congregation. He is a voice: it is his task to read the Lord’s Gospel, not his own….He is a servant: it is his task to wait at the Lord’s table….It is others…