back to the futures, computers

First off, as some of you may have noticed, the camera view has changed some. For the moment, the camera is focused on my laptop screen. Why did I move it? The camera kept off falling off the window ledge and I wanted to use the camera for video creation more. While I’m talking about website details, I am going to start trying to update this on a weekly basis.
Recently, I found a copy of the Back to the Future trilogy in my room. I forgot how much I enjoyed that movie. The concept of time travel has always amazed me. (If you remember my mention of the Time Travel Fund in a previous RM232). Did you know that you can still by a DeLorean? On the DMC website, you can go to Buy Your Own DeLorean and order a DeLorean. Prices start at $32,500 so I will not be purchasing one soon. In either case, that’s simply amazing. If I had the money, I would drive to Houston and pick one up tonight. Back to the Future is my favorite movie and to have the same type of car would make my day. I’ll talk more about the time travel aspects later.
I have been involved in fixing some computers lately. At first, I worked on fixing Tracie’s computer. Among other things, Internet Explorer would not open so I suggested she uninstall it. That caused Windows ME to completely stop working. Yes, that really sucks. I’m still working with her to get that computer back on it’s feet. However, I started working on Kami’s computer. She had a variation of a virus. Using the Remote Assistance feature in Windows Messenger and Windows XP, I removed a couple of rogue programs and some registry keys that loaded the virus. So, I’m one for two on fixing computers in the past week. To Tracie: We’ll get that computer fixed! I promise! Thanks for putting up with your old one while we get the new one fixed.
Matt wanted me to mention the weather in Boston again. Instead of just mentioning what the weather is at the moment I’m writing, I am placing a banner with the current conditions on the left. For comparison’s sake, I am also including an image with Austin’s weather.
While I’m mentioning Matt, here are some exclusive stats on his progress towards 100% completion on GTA:VC:
Matt has played a total of 53 hours and 29 minutes according to our time thus elapsing 254 days within the game. During that time- within a year virtually- he has killed 4140 people- 174 via headshots. Yet he has only sniped four seagulls. Some people might say he is a violent man in the game, but no, he has only killed four seagulls. This man is a friend to PETA (no link since I don’t think they’ll agree). He has even fed thirty-four fishes according to the game stats! So while he’s only made it up to 4 am national TV for the 674 “wanted stars” he’s attained, this man has never ran over a dog in the 1447 miles he has driven. So remember, when people say that GTA is a violent game- look at who they’re looking at. They’re talking about violent against people but the game is obviously not violent towards animals. Remember that people.


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