my personality

After reading Fr. Jim’s entry about his Myers-Briggs test results, I figure I would post mine as well.
Your personality type is INTJ.
Introverted (I) 82% Extraverted (E) 18%
Intuitive (N) 82% Sensing (S) 18%
Thinking (T) 75% Feeling (F) 25%
Judging (J) 68% Perceiving (P) 32%
Alright- what does that mean? Typelogic has an in-depth look at what you can assume about me.


6 responses

  1. Shellie Avatar

    Since I’m ESFJ, that works out well in our friendship with each other. We’re both judgemental but see different sides to arguements. So there is much for us to ‘discuss’. We never bore each other and probably never will. And, according to the website, we find each other a novelty…yeah, I could totally see that.:-)

  2. Fr Jim Tucker Avatar
    Fr Jim Tucker

    Thanks for the help. I’ll publish a compilation of scores soon.

  3. Kari Avatar

    I am a INFJ……so we are pretty darn close…..I took the test in my University class last year *dang has it been that long??* but I am 60/40 to being an extrovert (who would have guessed????) Anyways…. keep up the personality dig! hehe ๐Ÿ™‚ mucho love

    1. Kari Avatar

      I lied- I am a INFP- which is more like me! But I thought I would fix my comment. No reason have my personality wrong! hehe

  4. Kari Avatar

    Yup- you are my advisor (have you ever advised me??)

    1. kraftbj Avatar

      Advised you? I\’m sure… although usually, it was more of a \”Kari- I have no idea what to do about [insert name here].\” If you can call that me being an advisor, sure! ๐Ÿ˜‰

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