I Feel For These Guys

Capitol Metro Bus
Photo Credit: capmetro.org
As I mentioned yesterday, the City of Austin is closing a good portion of downtown for the Lance Armstrong parade today. When I rode the bus home yesterday, nothing seemed too distrupted.

Today, however, I really feel for Cap Metro drivers. As I was riding the bus from Oltorf to campus, the first sign of change was all the radio chatter. Usually, Cap Metro radios are usually pretty quiet. Today was non-stop. Detours here and there. A road closed early so drivers listen up. We pull up to 2nd at Congress where a supervisor steps on to make sure the driver caught all of the detours.

lance_downtown.jpgFirst, all routes will detour off of Congress at or before 6th street. Secondly, the Capitol Station at 11th and Congress that was supposed to be open until late tonight was already closed because 11th Street was closed. All routes highlighted in red were detoured. The Route 1 went right on 5th, left on Brazos and left again onto 6th so the big 6th and Congress on-street transfer point could remain open. People at 6th and Brazos, who thought the stop was tranferred there, ran after the bus. The driver stopped midblock on 6th to pick them up. At Congress, a few more people ran across the street to the new stop. Between Congress and Colorado, a lady is trying to figure out where the southbound Route 1 will be coming from. Cap Metro put out signs in advance for many of the detours, but if the radio chatter meant anything, it sounds like things were changing as much as they were staying the same.

Tonight should be pretty interesting for Cap Metro as well. All routes in both red and green will be closed tonight. That might actually be easier- everything shifts to South 1st, Guadalupe and Lavaca. Crosstown routes that are supposed to cross Congress- well, I’m glad I don’t have to figure out where those detour to- 15th maybe?

Anyhow, it was an interesting ride this morning and I really feel for the drivers and the people who depend on the buses for transporation. What a headache!


2 responses

  1. Shellie Avatar

    Woah! Your buses actually drive at night? Somebody should mention that idea to our guys. They all quit at 6:30 and we only have like three total buses for the city and campus for the night, but they quit at 9:30 or somewhere around there. I’m glad I have my car. 😀

  2. Kraft Avatar

    Yeah, UT Shuttles run until about 11:45 pm, although a few routes are paired so the service runs every 30 minutes instead of 10 or 20. Cap Metro buses run most generic routes until midnight and then they start “Night Owl” and “Starlight” routes- 4 or so routes that run until 3 am. The good news- I can stay on campus until 2:15 am and still make it home via the bus, 5 miles south of campus. The bad news- I actually looked that up so I could use it before 🙁
    Anyhow, Cap Metro isn’t perfect but it’s cheap (free for me, or I think 50 cents at most for anyone else) and they do a pretty good job.

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