Musings of a Random Nature

Toilet. Photocredit: Brandon Kraft
Just random things for today. Just now, I checked out the Austin Catholics site once again. For a refresher, this group protested the transfer of their pastor and have brought the issue before the public forum.

The latest document posted was a letter from Bishop Aymond to the group regarding a request for them to become a parish or diocesan ministry.

The more I think about the situation, the more I just shake my head.

Moving on, why the picture of a toilet? I don’t really have any particular thing to post on so I’m going to throw out a bunch of stuff.
Fr. Jim links up to a post about liturgical bloopers. In addition to the usual priest leaving the microphone on just long enough for the church hear him grumble about so-and-so needing piano lessons or whatnot, Christmas Midnight Mass 1997 was the best.

Sacred Heart had just reopened the main church after renovations and had yet to use incense in a Mass. I take that back, had yet to really use incense. Funerals and whatnot, but you only use a couple of coals and a small bit of incense. The Midnight Mass was the full thing- start out with three coals, add more any chance you get. Fill the boat up and plan on using it all. Hey, it’s Holy Smoke- why not?

The renovations included a new HVAC system as well as a fire alarm system.

The settings weren’t set right and sure enough, in the middle of Fr. Koch’s homily- all hell breaks loose. The alarms start going off, a nice automated female voice tells us that “Emergency! Emergency! There has been a disturbance detected. Please evacuate the building. Emergency! Emergency!” Of couse, no one moved. Any man who felt like he had any idea whatsoever of what to do let the pews for the side hall with the system. After a few minutes, the system stopped and Mass went on as normal. Last time I mentioned anything about it to Fr. Koch, he still wasn’t too happy about that.

I’ve started spending some of my free time on thefacebook. It’s a social networking site for a handful of colleges. I was not too sure of it at first but it has grown on me.

That’s my toilet post for the night.


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