prayers of the state: feb 1, 2005

Today, Bishop Vincent Rizzotto of the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston lead the House in prayer (313 words):

Good and gracious Lord. At the beginning of this day, we stand before your holy presence and worship you as the source of all grace. We praise and bless you as the God who has been ever faithful to the cries of your people.
We raise up to you these men and women of the house of representatives from the State of Texas. They convene in this place charged with the mission of service to the varied people of this state. Assist them with your inspiration and with your guidance. Give them the vision to see that their office is one to serve all of the people who inhabit this land; the men and the women; the elderly and the young; the people of varied creeds, races, and tongues; and the people from every corner of this state.
As they gather to work and deliberate together, assist them with the grace of hearing so that they may be open to new ideas and learn from each other. Give them the gift of tolerance and civility, so that they may receive the thoughts and proposals of one another and search for that which best serves the people; and finally, encourage them to look for that which builds the common good, not just the good of a few, especially the good of those who have little or no voice.
Amidst the complexities which confront all of us in this modern world, we pray that you will give all of these men and women the grace of inspiration to seek the right thing and the gift of courage to be leaders in establishing your kingdom of peace, justice, and love.
O God, walk with us in our journeys, and let us come to our end knowing that we have done the best that we can. We pray this in faith, in hope, and in love. Amen.

For the Senate, Bishop James Tamayo of the Diocese of Laredo gave the opening prayer (160 words):

Heavenly Father, Your spoken word brought forth the heavens and the Earth. By Your word, man and woman were created in Your most holy image. You spoke and there was beauty and order, unity and peace. And You said, “It is good.” With the beginning of each new day, You call us to be stewards of Your creation. May Your holy wisdom guide the men and women of the 79th Texas Legislature, and in particular this Senate Chamber. May these servant leaders be conscious of the impact their words have in addressing the needs of all people in Texas. Guide the words spoken in committee, the words used in debate on this floor, and the words printed in the Senate bills so that they speak words that uplift and strengthen the spirit of the people of Texas. Then will these legislators hear Your word when at the end of the day You say, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” Amen.

Catholics led both prayers as today was Catholic Advocacy Day for the State of Texas.


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