For all men and women: May they come to an ever-deeper understanding of their dignity, granted them by the Creator in his plan.
For people all over the world in searching for God and Truth: May they encounter the Lord Jesus.
As December, the month of our celebration of our Lord entering into the flesh, comes again, may we really reflect on what that means. Our Lord, God himself, the Creator of all that is became one of his created. He humbled himself to be born of a woman and become man. There is a certain dignity that we, as human beings, all possess. It doesn’t matter whether we are rich or poor, live in a large home, a small apartment or a box in an alley way, have a large loving family or are alone and rejected by the world- we all have the dignity afforded to us by simply being human.
May I also suggest that this is all that any of us really have. We “own” many things- cars, computers, homes, textbooks, large debts, memories, loved ones. We claim these things to be our own- whether it be actual possession or not. The simple truth is that at the end of the Day, when we go into our peaceful rest, the one thing that remains and will always remain is our human dignity. One of the ways to measure our lives is how well did we respect that dignity. How well do we respect that dignity both in ourselves and in our brothers and sisters, espcially the ones among us who are least respected by the world.
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