My last post dealt with the Jesuit Georgetown University naming an endowed chair after a priest who has been a supporter of abortion. Mike left me a comment saying that I’ve been biased by anti-Drinan sources. I attempted to e-mail him on the address he left in the comment, but my e-mail was returned as undeliverable. Since I would like to be as accurate as possible, I’m reposting the e-mail here in hopes that Mike will see this and respond.
Hi Mike,
Can you refer me to some more materials from Fr. Drinan, SJ? From what I’ve been able to find, he seems a pretty clear supporter of abortion during both his political career and his time off of the Hill.
What I’ve found so far, from sources other than the Catholic News Agency, is that he supported President Clinton’s veto of the partial-birth abortion ban and pushed for an allowance of abortions anytime the doctor feel that the mother was at-risk.
If I misrepresented The Honorable Father, I’d like to be the first to issue a correction or clarification or whatever would be warranted.
As I am aware, he ran for office despite the Black Pope’s informing him that he could not and without the clear approval from the local bishop and while in office, he supported abortion, which unlike many actions, the Catholic Church has a firm and unchangeable opinion against. He did not seek re-election after a statement by Pope John Paul II that priests should not be elected officials.
Thank you for your comment and your assistance in finding more information about Fr. Drinan, SJ.
Take care,
Brandon Kraft
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