Jesuit university endows human rights chair in name of pro-abortion priest
I do not believe that every Catholic university needs to follow the Ave Maria approach (that is, removing anything opposed or not fully inline with Catholic thought from anywhere near campus), but there is a duty to a Catholic university to be Catholic. At least, they should not celebrate confirmed evils.
Georgetown University, in Washington DC, named a human rights chair after Fr. Robert F. Drinan, SJ. Fr. Drinan, who also served in Congress after his ordination to the priesthood, is a fierce supporter of abortion.
Abortion is the taking of an innocent human life for the advancement of another person. Georgetown names an endowed chair after a person, much less a priest, who is completely in favor of abortion in the field of human rights? Does that make sense to anyone?
I wouldn’t be in favor of this still, but a chair of personal liberty or something to that effect would make more sense. Not only are they rejecting their Catholic basis, but are not following sound logic!
georgetown university is not catholic
2 responses
Sound logic? You’re getting your information from an anti-Drinan source. You should read up on what he believes about abortion “rights” and morality.
to mike who commented about fr. drinan, sj
My last post dealt with the Jesuit Georgetown University naming an endowed chair after a priest who has been a supporter of abortion. Mike left me a comment saying that I’ve been biased by anti-Drinan sources. I attempted to e-mail…
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