Let us pray:
Gracious God, we know that you are present today as you were at our founding. We thank you for the pastoral vision of Servant of God, Fr. Isaac Thomas Hecker and the missionary zeal of his companions.
We ask that you bless our Paulist family. Inspire us to use our gifts to serve the people of North America. Enkindle a fire within us to spread the good news of Jesus Christ. Challenge us to reconcile all who have been hurt or alienated. Encourage us to unify the Body of Christ and to pursue dialogue with people of all faiths.
By the grace of your Holy Spirit and through the intercession of St. Paul the Apostle, lead us in wisdom’s ways into a future not our own; strengthen us to be the servants of your Word. May we strive to help all men and women to discover Christ in our age so that together we might build up your kingdom of Earth.
We make our prayer through Christ our Lord. Amen.
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