Today over at Catholic Thinker, I’m blogging as part of Blog Action Day 2008. Why?
I was asked this question by a reporter for the Daily Texan newspaper, the daily student-run newspaper for The University of Texas at Austin.
I must admit, I was taken back by the question. Why wouldn’t I do it? Blogging isn’t my day job. I was blogging before it was known as blogging (I had a personal website long before folks called them “weblogs”, much less “blogs”). If a group that has sizable traction wants everyone to try to write about one topic, in their own way, on a given day, let’s do it.
The Internet allows for personal expression in personal ways. If you like to speak aloud, podcasting is for you. Love to see yourself talk, use YouTube. Want to just write, there are plenty of text-based blogging tools. Want to say it in under 140 characters, head over to Twitter.
My point is that the Internet allows you to say whatever you want in whatever medium you wish without having an editor to approve the topic, the length, the style or anything (although, the Internet would be a better place if every person had their own personal copy-editor, but I digress). If I can rant, as a “Catholic Thinker” about how the feast day of a 3rd-century pope is connected to the 2008 poverty topic, then that’s exactly why. For me, the connection is obvious, but for others, not so much.
If you have a blog, take a few minutes and say a litle something about poverty.
This post is part of Blog Action Day 08 – Poverty
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