Hat Trick

Crickets… I’ve heard them on the site too. A little unannounced communications blackout, if you will. Forgive me.

Vanessa and I are going to for kiddie hat trick. We’re expecting another little one adding to the fray at La Casa de Kraft, with an ETA of October 15th. It was too difficult to write about the joys and pitfalls of fatherhood, freelancing while at home, etc, without mentioning the upcoming addition.

For those keeping score at home, when our fourth anniversary rolls around in early October, we’ll have two kids plus one knocking on the door. We spent our first anniversary with a ~1-month old. Our second, Vanessa was pregnant with Catalina. Our third was “quiet” with Catalina being ~8-months old.

We didn’t plan our first girls, per se, but none of them were we planning not to have a kid either. Without going into detail, our basic approach has been when we discerned that we weren’t in the right place to have a child, we would hold off, but we’re not there.

Olivia doesn’t like the idea of the addition, but she’s not liking how fast Catalina is growing up either. Yesterday, she starting chastising Lina for pushing a doll stroller—”Lina! That’s dangerous! Only Mommy, Daddy and Olivia push it!” She’ll adjust though!

In the near-term, nothing else is changing. Vanessa will continue at SJD. I’ll continue to stay at home and freelance. Now that we’re able to share this now, we’ll return back to our scheduled programming.


33 responses

  1. Patmom4 Avatar


  2. Colin Gormley Avatar
    Colin Gormley


  3. Sabrina Avatar

    AWESOME!  Congratulations you guys!  We’re so happy for you guys. 🙂

  4. Lprice Avatar

    Congratulations on the upincoming “Craft” he he.

  5. Amber Moyer Fogarty Avatar

    Very exciting!!! Congrats 🙂

  6. James Goertz Avatar

    Congratulations!! We’re super excited for y’all!

  7. Lindsay Avatar

    Congratulations on the baby and the wordplay. I enjoy both babies and puns.

  8. Jack Goetz Avatar

    lol, poor olivia! Congratulations, btw!

  9. Brenda Schwab Avatar

    Congratulations to you Brandon & your beautiful family!

  10. Rachel Cueva Avatar
  11. Nathan Erickson Avatar

    Congratulations Brandon Kraft and Vanessa Gonzalez Kraft

  12. Rowena Parks Avatar

    What wonderful news! God bless your beautiful family!

  13. Mary Carr Avatar

    Congrats! Maybe you’ll have a little brother for the girls to boss around!

  14. Emily Labbe Avatar
    Emily Labbe

    Congrats!!! Baby Evan is hoping it’s a boy this time!

  15. Matthew Klassen Avatar

    yeah you did… well-played.

  16. Stephanie Maher Avatar

    Congratulations Kraft family!!!

  17. Meghan Beatty Klassen Avatar

    you guys are awesome– great news! hope you are feeling well, vanessa!

  18. Lynn Herrera Avatar

    Congratulations! How exciting!

  19. Sheila Donovan Avatar

    Yay! Congrats V and Kraft!!

  20. Isaac Garcia Avatar

    Congrats! Excited for y’all!

  21. Claudia TG Avatar
  22. Amy Fujarski Avatar

    Congratulations, Krafts!!! =D

  23. Brandon Kraft Avatar

    Thanks everyone! We appreciate the well-wishing and support!

  24. Aida G. Regalado Avatar

    congrats! Wishing you all the best!

  25. Juliebronc Avatar

    Congratulations! That’s wonderful news.

  26. […] is now our fourth time to the rodeo and couldn’t be more excited. As mentioned the last time we announced a kiddo, we weren’t trying, but we had both said we thought we were ready for […]

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