Liveblog: Beer Blogger Conference
7 responses
[…] technical chief, Brandon Kraft, has a liveblog setup ready for us over at brandonkraft.com. Come check us […]
[…] photography, social media, and more. Lunch included 120+ taps from Yard House, followed by liveblogging what I can only call Brewery Speed Dating, then dinner at Stone’s Liberty Station location. Lastly, if that wasn’t enough, a […]
FWIW, Reinheitsgebot is no longer law in Germany. Breweries just like to say to adhere to it for the street cred it gives them.
So, time is ripe for a disruptive new brewer there, eh? 🙂
I was chatting with my Bavarian Airbnb host last year when I was visiting Munich and he mentioned that there are scrappy upstart brewers popping up, but they’re having trouble getting folks to drink their beer. The vibe I got from there and Dublin was that international beer scenes are kinda where the US was ~20 years ago.
That makes total sense. It’s like trying to get my uncles to explore craft beer when Bud Light is more than fine for them.
[…] stands for Barrel Room Collection. Kraft and I got to sample the Special Ingredient in this brew “Kosmic Mother Funk” at BBC14, which is used a lot in their BRC […]
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