it’s been a long time

Well boys and girls, it has been some time since I’ve been able to post my random musings up here. Right now, my roommate is downstairs working on somethings and since he’s my ride home, I have a small bit of time to kill.
I think once again, I have decided to switch majors. Yes- again. I’m in two history classes and frankly, I can’t stand either of them. What major is calling my name? I think maybe philosophy. Why? What career would I follow? I don’t know if I know the answer to either of those questions right now but all the same, I’m enjoying my philosophy classes more than anything else. Each day after class, I walk with my professor across campus while debating random points of philosophy. Today’s topic: why the silver rule (“Do not do unto others and you would not want done to you” from Eastern tradition) is logically weaker than the golden rule (“Do unto others as you would want done to you” from Christian tradition). We hit on about three or four different aspects of the two rules and how by each of those the silver rule is logically weaker.
I love it.
I really don’t know what I would do with a degree in philosophy though. I have some ideas but would require a big step. I must be going now though- hopefully it won’t be quite as long until the next entry.




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