the bells of austin

My internet is still out of commissioned but with the great piece of plastic known as a University Catholic Center keycard, I’m able to write now.
I finally got moved into my new place. It’s a great location. A block away from St. Ignatius, Martyr. A couple blocks away from St. Edward’s University. Less than half a mile from perpetual adoration at San Jose.
Anyhow, what struck me as really awesome is at 10:55 a.m. on Sunday I am sitting in my bedroom doing something. I heard bells. Actual official church bells ringing just prior to Mass starting. I always loved the idea of it but never attended or lived near a church that did that. I assume it was St. Ignatius but I really don’t know. In either case, I miss church bells.
Bed time for now thogh. Hopefully be back soon!


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