Author: Brandon Kraft
let us show each other god’s generosity
The Second Reading from the Office of Readings today (the Monday of the First Week of Lent) was from St. Gregory of Nazianzen and was particularly proper for today. In the cycle of the church calendar, fixed dates do not reoccur in any real, usual fashion. For example, today is both the first Monday of…
happy valentine’s day
Today is St. Valentine’s Day to most of the Christian-Secular world. Traditionally, this feast day was dedicated to various symbols of love and affection stemming from St. Valentine. While various stories float around about who exactly he was- a priest, a bishop- the Church was never quite able to figure it out precisely for herself…
project andrew
On Saturday, I went to St. Mary’s Cathedral with the rest of my roommates to participate in Project Andrew. Project Andrew is a chance for young men to come together with Bishop Aymond and various priests of the dioceses for Mass and discussion on the priesthood. The Mass was beautiful. This was the second time…
a csc tour of south austin
Yesterday, I went on a short tour of South Austin in the context of the Congregation of Holy Cross. I met Fr. John Korcsmar, CSC, the provincial of the CSC’s Southern Province at the Provincial House off of South Congress. First, he took me to this area near South 2nd and Live Oak. I could…
indulgences for the year of the eucharist
As I don’t have class on Friday, I’m using Thursday nights to catch up on e-mails and notes that I’ve flagged for follow-up but hadn’t had time during the week to catch up. During this Year of the Eucharist, the Apostolic Penitentiary published a degree marking certain indulgences for the special period of time. “A…
a time for conversion
I only have time for a ten-minute post, so I will try to keep this brief. The season of Lent is upon us and, personally, it is one of my favorite times of year. In this season, the Church calls us more so than usual, to a life of conversion. The life of a Catholic…