Author: Brandon Kraft

  • alas, where is austin?

    I am beyond ready to be back in Austin. I haven’t finished all of my rounds here yet and I am beyond ready. Wichita Falls will always have a fond place in my memories and perhaps a fond place in my future; however, it is not my present. My life is not here and what…

  • home sweet home

    I’m in Wichita Falls for a few days to celebrate my mother’s 60th birthday and Tracie’s graduation. There has really been nothing of note to write about at all.

  • a hard road traveled

    As promised, here is a more personal look at my discernment so far. “Are you ready?” I think that question is asked of me more than anything else right now. Am I ready to be a priest? No. I would not try to say that I am. Am I ready to continue my discernment? I…

  • application update #2

    As of last week, I have fully completed my application to the seminary. I will be interviewing with Bishop Aymond on June 10th at the Chancery. I am not nervous about the interview; I know the bishop already. All that I am aware that I am lacking is my Ethics and Integrity in Ministry workshop.…

  • ad limina visit

    This week, the bishops from Region X are making their five-year ad limina visit to Rome. Each of the bishops will meet with various congregations (read: departments) of the Roman Curia and then with the Pope himself. Bishop Aymond was orginally scheduled to meet with the Pope on Tuesday, May 18th. However, Bishop Pfeifer of…

  • quarter time

    The Texas Quarters are going to be released to banks starting in June with an unveiling ceremony on June 10th at the Texas State History Museum. Read the full story at