Author: Brandon Kraft

  • modern injustice

    The saddest injustice in our society today is the belief that life is supposed to be easy. Whoever introduced that idea into our thinking did us a great disservice. Christ did not live an easy life. He was the Son of God and he still sweated blood agonizing over things he would have to endure.…

  • the semester is finished

    There is nothing left for me this semester. I am not all to sure how to comment on this semester. It was the best and the worst semester for me. I’ll leave you with this: The ACLU fought a school to get a bible verse back into the yearbook.

  • mt 3.0 upgrade

    I just upgraded the CMS to MT 3.0. If you notice any problems, please let me know. The comments probably will not work for a few hours. I’ll update this post with that. Update: Comments problem solved. What’s New: For the moment, the only change that you can see deals with the comments. Before, due…

  • spring 2004 almost complete

    2 p.m. CC 318 JES A121 — The final final.

  • writer’s block

    It has been some time since I have posted an entry. I have tried. I have opened up the CMS a few times, started an entry, realized there was nothing there and closed the window. Writer’s block sucks. Life includes writer’s block at times. We have those moments and instants where we simply sit back…

  • accounting complete

    My first “final” of the season was today- ACC 310F. My only official final is on Wednesday at 2 p.m. so in a week, it will be all over.