Author: Brandon Kraft
united states postal service
Just a quick note between classes: This morning, I checked my PO box in the UT Station on the West Mall. I did my usual thing. A couple of hours later, I realized I didn’t have my keys. After a couple minutes of thinking, I had remembered that I had to have had them this…
the bells of austin
My internet is still out of commissioned but with the great piece of plastic known as a University Catholic Center keycard, I’m able to write now. I finally got moved into my new place. It’s a great location. A block away from St. Ignatius, Martyr. A couple blocks away from St. Edward’s University. Less than…
correction: blogging personality
Okay, I had another person whom I’m on a single wavelength with take the test and it shot my theory out of the water. She’s an INFJ- very close to me so perhaps it’s acceptable. Her percentages were very borderline though: Introverted (I) 54% Extraverted (E) 46% Intuitive (N) 55% Sensing (S) 45% Feeling (F)…
short break
Well everyone, my internet connection here will be down between now and the morning of August 30th. Long time, I know. E-mail and everything will be working and I’ll probably check it almost as often as usual. I’ll try to keep posting here as well, but in case I don’t, now you know why. When…
blogging personality
Fr. Jim at Dappled Things has continued blogging about the personality results. So far with talking to people I know, I seem to be most compatible with are extroverted versions of my personality or ENTJ. I wonder if it’s a balance thing?
my personality
After reading Fr. Jim’s entry about his Myers-Briggs test results, I figure I would post mine as well. Your personality type is INTJ. Introverted (I) 82% Extraverted (E) 18% Intuitive (N) 82% Sensing (S) 18% Thinking (T) 75% Feeling (F) 25% Judging (J) 68% Perceiving (P) 32% (from Alright- what does that mean? Typelogic…