Author: Brandon Kraft
History Repeats
I’m sadden by the developments in Ukraine. History does repeat itself. My ancestors were Black Sea Germans—Germans who migrated to modern-day Ukraine at the invitation of Catherine the Great and Alexander I. My ancestors were promised peace, ability to worship and speak German freely, and exempt from military service. It began to change in the…
One Year Later
One year ago today, I was watching a livestream of the U.S. Presidential Election Certification while at work. I didn’t pay attention leading up to January 6, 2021 to know about President Trump’s rally that morning and, since I was watching only what was happening in the chamber, I was overall ignorant of what was…
Bible in the Year
Just a quick note that to help my spiritual growth, I’ve started the Bible in the Year podcast with Fr. Mike Schmitz as my Lectio Divina. It’s about 20 minutes a day. I’ve read the New Testament, but my Old Testament exposure is… not great. Beyond the psalms as part of my daily Liturgy of…
St. John Lateran
Today is the feast day of the Dedication of the Archbasilica Cathedral of the Most Holy Savior and Saints John the Baptist and John the Evangelist at the Lateran, or far more commonly known, the Dedication of St. John Lateran.
Oblation Scheduled
God willing, I will make my final oblation to St. Meinrad’s Monastery on June 4, 2022 at the Archabbey Church in Indiana. What? What is all this? St. Meinrad’s is a Benedictine Monastery. St. Benedict was a 6th-century monk who wrote a new rule for living a monastic life. He wasn’t the first monk, but…
20 Years Later
To honor those who died or were directly impacted by the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, I’ve started reading The Only Plane in the Sky, an oral history of the day compiled by Garrett Graff. The events of that day changed our country (and the world, but I’m less familiar with that) forever, but…