Category: Daddy’s Corner

  • Now, 154,001

    Now, 154,001

    According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 154,000 married fathers care for their children under 15-years old at home full-time while the mothers worked outside of the home. Now, the number is 154,001. I am officially a stay-at-home dad, a stay-at-home father, a house dad, SAHD, househusband, a house-spouse. How? What? When? There are a number of…

  • Father’s Day

    Father’s Day

    A couple of days ago, Vanessa took the girls to “run errands”. When they returned, I was taking Olivia upstairs and we had the following conversation: Me: Olivia, did you have fun with Catalina and Mommy? Olivia: Yeah, yeah yeah. Me: Where did y’all go? Olivia: Moo. Me: Moo? Where? Olivia: Moo. Vanessa had to…

  • My Mexican Kids

    Vanessa published a post yesterday on Busted Halo about her Mexican culture and some difficulties she is having in exposing the girls to it. This has been a well-discussed issue in our home, so Vanessa wrote nothing groundbreaking to me. One of the comments, though, I found quite interesting. “James” writes: Overall, I find this article offensively…

  • I Miss Football

    A short little post for the Holiday Weekend. I really miss football, so Olivia helps me keep it alive in our home:

  • Let The Children Come To Me

    People were bringing even infants to him that he might touch them, and when the disciples saw this, they rebuked them. Jesus, however, called the children to himself and said, “Let the children come to me and do not prevent them; for the kingdom of God belong to such as these. Amen, I say to…

  • 7 Time Lessons of Fatherhood: The Under Two Edition

    I am the father of two daughters—a 20-month old and an almost 3-month old. The last twenty months have been the longest of my life. Nothing can prepare you for parenthood. If you feel prepared before the little one is born, you’ll change your mind pretty quickly. Here are seven things I wish my younger…