Now, 154,001

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 154,000 married fathers care for their children under 15-years old at home full-time while the mothers worked outside of the home.

Now, the number is 154,001.

I am officially a stay-at-home dad, a stay-at-home father, a house dad, SAHD, househusband, a house-spouse.

How? What? When?

There are a number of reasons that led us to this point including availability of maternity-inclusive, lower-deductible health insurance and that I have a better skill set for working freelance than V. She went back to the school she taught at previously; now in administration. I resigned from the Knights of Columbus. In addition to taking care of Olivia and Catalina, I’ll develop websites (more on that later).

This looks to be extremely challenging. It’s one thing to be told no by someone you just met when trying to sell them insurance. It is another thing completely to handle your two-year old yelling no at you. Completely different skillset. My goal is to share some of the more unique experiences here on the Daddy’s Corner segment. As soon as I can figure out how to get through a day doing everything needed to run my part of the household before 1 a.m, I’ll let you know the schedule.

photocredit: flickr:pmeidinger


One response to “Now, 154,001

  1. […] kids into the picture. Olivia is two and Catalina is 7-months old. A by-product of now being at home with the girls is I lack adult interaction for the majority of my waking life, so I have a bit more time to ponder […]

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