I’ll Have Another

I never imagined being a father growing up. In my teenage, college, or early young adult years, I could never picture myself being a dad. Even having Olivia, it took years before I owned fatherhood. Losing my dad young in life was a part of it, but simply I never pictured myself with kids.

Things change.

Olivia and Catalina were born. I quit working to focus on being a stay-at-home dad. Teresa was born. I went back to work outside the family. Ana and Dorothy were born.

Fatherhood ain’t a bad gig. After five kids, fatherhood is part of my core identity. So, why stop there?

After a little hiatus that was long enough to sneak in a family trip to Disney World, Vanessa and I are back in the baby business. We’re happy to announce that the newest member of the Kraft team is expected to arrive in late November. ๐Ÿคฐ

Yes. Another one.

Yes, newest member. Singular. The doctor looked. There’s only one kiddo in there this time. Bases checked.

With the first three, we waited until birth to learn if we were having a boy or a girl. With the twins, there were so many unknowns and we needed so many ultrasounds, we figured we should find out and save some poor tech accidentally saying something.

For this time around, we have two bedrooms for the girls and a boy would, well, require some decent reorganizing of our home sooner rather than later. We wanted to know how much chaos to expect in the near term!

Yup, another girl.

We appreciate all of your prayers in advance! The little one is due the same week as Vanessa’s birthday and the twins’ fourth birthday.






13 responses to “I’ll Have Another

  1. Cesar Abeid Avatar

    Congratulations!!!! I’m so happy for you!!!!!

  2. Another Day, Another Doug Avatar

    Hoooray! Very cool! Welcome to the Club Of 6 — I have van recommendations.

  3. Richard A. Avatar

    Batting 100!! Congrats, Kraft and family!!!

  4. A Guy Called Kraft ๐Ÿ… Avatar

    I’m down to hear them. I’ve started looking since we can’t all fit into our van once the new one comes, but very open to thoughts.

  5. Another Day, Another Doug Avatar

    So, in brief: there’s a healthy market for older model Sprinters. We picked up a 2011 12 passenger model and it’s the bees knees. The Ford Transit is nice, but they don’t come up on the secondary market much and they’re $$$ when they do.

  6. Jodi N Gonzalez Avatar
    Jodi N Gonzalez

    Congratulations to all of you! wow! 6 girls!!!!

  7. Jeff Matson ๐Ÿš€ Avatar


    Virginia Beach, VA

  8. Pam Kocke Avatar

    Love it!!! Another girl! Huge congrats to you and your family! ๐Ÿ™‚

  9. Lindsay Wilcox Avatar

    Congratulations! You are building great experience for a book about raising daughters. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  10. Ted Peterson Avatar


  11. Daniel Malone Avatar


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