Category: Daddy’s Corner

  • Review: Daddy Dates

    Daddy Dates, by Greg Wright, is a great read. It’s been awhile since I couldn’t set a book down and it grabbed me from the forward until the end. The book is written by a father outlining his method of creating a lasting, meaningful and personal relationship with each of his four daughters. The primary…

  • The Great—Olivia! Be Gentle With Your Sister—Silence

    The Easter Triduum celebrations of Holy Thursday, Good Friday and the Easter Vigil of Holy Saturday are some of the most beautiful liturgies in the modern Roman Rite. After 40 long days of Lent preparing ourselves, the big dance is here. Not only Christ’s rising that we celebrate at Easter, but we relive the culmination…

  • Saturday Project: “Kill The Bastards”

    I’m generally pretty environmentally-friendly. All of God’s creatures work together to make our little world harmonious. If there’s a pest that I don’t want in my home/yard, push them away. They’re good to someone somewhere, right? I say this to preface my latest “Saturday Project” that I’m entitling “Kill The Bastards”. Yesterday, O and I went outside for…

  • Maria Catalina

    On Monday night, after O went to sleep, V told me “I think it might be time.” We started timing contractions–10 minutes apart. We called the on-call OB for V’s doctor’s practice. He tells us to wait until they are five apart, then go to the hospital. They start inching closer to five. At 7…

  • Zombie Kraft

    One thing I’ve had the privilege of doing over the past few months is to have some individual time with Olivia. Vanessa has been helping out at the school, so O and I have been able to bond more on those mornings. Really, it has been an absolute blessing to have this time alone with her.…

  • Moving A’Coming

    Editor’s Note: This is intentionally scheduled to publish a time after it was written due to possible security concerns of announcing to the Internet that either our current/past or future/present residence is unoccupied. Today is July 7, 2010 and we’re days away from the move from our condo in South Austin to a house in East…