Category: Microblog

  • More blogging and less social media

    More blogging and less social media

    Entering 2018, I plan on setting a New Years’ resolution of using social media less, and blogging more. Source: More blogging and less social media The founder of Drupal, a “competing” CMS to WordPress hits the nail on the head here. I’m planning on doing the same. I do like that I look up old…

  • Peace in 2018

    Today is January 1st, which in the Catholic tradition in the Solemnity for Mary, Mother of God and, since the 1960s, World Day of Peace. Global peace is a hard nut to crack and something I feel powerless to directly impact. But, for 2018, I pray that we all can create for ourselves a little…

  • The Gift Card Isn’t Quite Enough

    I'm both proud of being so close to the gift card amount and upset at Target for not eating the one cent. They spent more on processing than they gained on the transaction.

  • Quitting Firefox

    The opposite in fact. I've started using Firefox again and found myself cursing multiple times after hitting Meta-Q and quitting instantly. Chrome had a feature to require me to hold down Meta-Q to quit so a quick finger slip didn't kill my work. In Firefox, you can visit about:config and search for browser.showQuitWarning, then toggle…

  • Merry Christmas!

    I just chugged a glass of soy milk and crammed some cookies in my face when one of the kids woke up to use the bathroom after we set out gifts. 🎄🎅🍪🥛 #dadlife Also on: X Facebook

  • Piñatas Are The Tipping Point

    For future reference, the math checks out for a Spanish Mass, Spanish rosary, and Spanish posadas followed by piñatas and cookies to still be "fun" to a six-year old. Also on: Facebook X