Category: Reflections
Saturday Rant: Is NBC Trying to Fail?
Personal rants that have no real purpose except to let me stand on my soapbox will be reserved for Saturdays, so you can plan to specifically visit, or not visit, the site as you please. <rant> We’re not big TV watchers, espcially now that we cut the cord and dropped cable. Vanessa loves Bones. I enjoyed…
Death by Video Game
With Olivia being a two-year old, servant leadership at home is leadership by example. Anything I say or do is repeated back to me. The good and not so good. My eating and (lack of) exercise examples are not something I want her to pick up. We fell into a bad habit of getting fast…
A Funeral and A Birthday
On Saturday, I started the day with a funeral and ended it with my birthday dinner. When the funeral was set for the 15th and I was asked to help organize the reception, I paused. Without question, without hesitation, Ruben’s funeral and the celebration of his life with his family and friends far, far outweighed…
The World Is A Bit Darker Today
A close friend, Ruben Garza, passed away last night. He was 37.
Celebrating Death
Hours ago, the news media announced that the U.S. Military had killed Osama Bin Laden, the reason “terror” is in the political vocabulary. President Obama confirmed it a short time later: This news caused me to pause for a moment: Osama Bin Laden is responsible for the deaths of thousands between the various operations under his…
Preparing For Lent
Lent is just around the corner, starting with Ash Wednesday on March 9th. Vanessa and I are starting to plan our Lenten observances and there is one thing that is common this year to every year. When we decide to give up something for Lent, we never want to start early. Lately, I’ve been spending…