Category: Reflections
We Know Nothing about +Vigano’s Memo
Let’s not rush to judgement, but absolutely investigate.
Bishops Must Resign
Bishops who transferred abusive priests must resign.
What Should Have Happened in 2002
In 2002, we should have been radically transparent.
The Abuse Continues
The Pennsylvania Attorney General released the grand jury report looking at clerical sexual abuse across the commonwealth in six of the eight dioceses. The other two were previously investigated. In the lead up to the release, I had heard it was going to be bad. Real bad. It is. Just in Pennsylvania, 300 priests over…
Google’s AI Will Call Places For You
This video from Google I/O today is mind-blowing. In it, Google shows off an in-development feature where Google Assistant will call some places to interact with someone on your behalf. “Google, please make me an appointment for a haircut on Tuesday.” Ideally, I would expect Google to interact with an API that ties into the…
For The Love of The Game
It has taken me almost 25 years to start getting over the 1994 baseball strike.