Category: Reflections
There isn’t a word for the event overnight in Orlando. To call it terrorism, which it was, makes it seem like something far away, isolated, and a something abstract that politicians will use to further their own ends (which they will anyhow). To call it a mass shooting, which it was, lumps it into the…
Congratulations to Class of 2016. Tonight, at The University of Texas at Austin, the annual commencement on the Main Mall culminates four, five, six, seven, maybe eight years of academic work in a festive ceremony, complete with fireworks. The Mall is ready.
Connections at SXSW
This is what I love about representing WordPress(.com) “in the field” at SXSW. After a long evening working an event, we had a couple of guys sit at the bar with myself and a couple of coworkers. When we were asked what we do, we answered “Vague Internet Things”. “That’s greatβas long as it isn’t…
Texas Forever
The Texas Standard, an public radio news show focused on, you guessed it, The Lone Star State. They had this wonderful folklore piece that, while you can read it on their site, is best experienced through the spoken voice, embedded above. I’m a Texan, through and through. Texans are full of themselves and their state.…
Dvorak Frustration
I absolutely underestimated my level of frustration from not being able to get my ideas out of my head.
When Are You No Longer Mexican? π²π½
Awhile ago, Vanessa and I attended a panel at SXSWi, “What Would Cesar Chavez Tweet?”, that examined the status of Hispanic engagement via social media, particularly while being leveraged for political/social movements. A corollary issue is when is someone no longer “Hispanic enough” to be part of the target demographic? This hits home for me, as…