Category: Technology
Does A RSS Feed Grant Right to Republish?
I received a couple of pingbacks from a site that republished a couple of posts from my site in whole, pulling them from my RSS feed. The owner of the site maintains that by having a RSS feed that has the full content of a post, I am allowing someone to republish the content. If…
Blogging on an iPad
I’m testing an internal builds of the WP app for iOS and Android, so doing more blogging via the apps. The iPad is surprising easy to use for this. I think the size is a big reason…
The Password
For the second place this week, the password to log on to the WiFi is “password”. One in Vancouver, one in Austin.
Kindles, iPods and Lent
I bought a Kindle last October and loved it instantly. I’ve read a number of books, including the few reviews on this site since then. In fact, all of the books I’ve read since October have been on the Kindle. Until now. I love books. I love having a bookshelf full of books. I admitted…
The Kindle
I’ve fought it for sometime. The intense desire to buy a Kindle has been nagging at me for years. I love the idea of itβa lightweight, relatively inexpensive device that makes electronic books easy. Folks have made arguments that why buy a Kindle when you can read e-books on your computer, iPod/iPhone, Android device or…
Dell Hell
I’ve been a Dell user for years and while I’ve heard of so-called “Dell Hell” experiences, never had anything but outstanding service from them. Until now. First, it seemed that anything I purchased worked really well. My first Dell laptop, a rack server, a dozen or so desktops for work. But, anything my in-laws purchased…