Dell Hell

I’ve been a Dell user for years and while I’ve heard of so-called “Dell Hell” experiences, never had anything but outstanding service from them. Until now.

First, it seemed that anything I purchased worked really well. My first Dell laptop, a rack server, a dozen or so desktops for work. But, anything my in-laws purchased gave them a great deal of trouble (two laptops at different times). I chalked it up to bad luck on their part.

Then, on Labor Day weekend, I needed to purchase a replacement AC adapter for a computer diagnostic and repair gig and so I tacked on an internal laptop keyboard I needed for a personal laptop since I already had to pay for shipping.

Apparently, a simple replacement keyboard was a difficult order. 

First, I started getting phone calls on all my phone numbers and an e-mail stating that my order was delayed and I must accept the delay within 24 hours or the order would be canceled. This happens twice when the staffer at the UCC with my old extension called to tell me about Dell’s calls for me. I log to my customer account to edit my phone numbers. I can’t even find a listing of the phone numbers on my account. I e-mailed Customer Service and was told that they could somewhat change my phone numbers, but to change them all (including remove the old number off my account), I had to call.

Seriously? In 2011, I have to *call* a computer company to get a phone number changed on my account? Fine, whatever. I select the option to accept all future delays and they change the phone numbers for this particular order.

Plenty of time passes. No concern to me; the keyboard is not critically needed.

Then, I started getting phone calls and voicemails informing me that the keyboard is not in stock and advising that I call Dell Sales to order an alternative part. I’m not sure what the alternative part on an internal keyboard would be, but I digress.

I ignore the calls. I just want the damn keyboard and tried to tell them just to send it when they had one. Then, it arrived on Saturday, October 15th. Awesome. I got an out-of-stock call on Friday, but it was shipped overnight. Maybe one just arrived? Great, fantastic.

Monday, I got another call about my out-of-stock keyboard. And another on Tuesday.
I asked them to cancel whatever on the order is triggering it. Dell replies that the item was delivered. I snapped back a quick response about the broken processes. The icing on the cake was the response, reprinted in full below with the Dell representative’s name removed:

Hi Brandon,

Thank you for contacting Dell Customer Care.

This is in reference to case # xxxxxx regarding the Order.

I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience that has been caused to you. I am concerned to read your e-mail and regret to know that you did not get the most courteous and professional service. Your feedback will be seriously considered in our ongoing endeavors to improve services. I can understand the inconvenience this may have caused, as I would also have felt the same had I been in your place. I would call this a rare case where we did not meet our customer?s [sic] expectations. On behalf of Dell, I apologize that your experience with Dell did not meet your expectations. We hold ourselves to a high standard and apologize for falling short in addressing your needs.

I am concerned to read your e-mail and regret to know the problems you faced. I can understand the inconvenience this may have caused, as I would also have felt the same had I been in your place. I truly apologize that we were not able to provide you with an experience that was completely satisfactory to you. I assure you that this situation is not indicative of the quality service Dell is capable of providing.

I sincerely appreciate you for taking the time to share your experience with us. Your comments are very important to us and will assist in making improvements. Your feedback has been taken and will continue to be seriously considered in our ongoing endeavors to improve services.

I have also forwarded your valuable feedback to our internal forums that would serve us in improving our service in future for our esteemed and valuable customer like you.

Your feedback will be seriously considered in our ongoing endeavors to improve services. I can understand the inconvenience this may have caused, as I would also have felt the same had I been in your place. I would call this a rare case where we did not meet our customer?s expectations. On behalf of Dell, I apologize that your experience with Dell did not meet your expectations. We hold ourselves to a high standard and apologize for falling short in addressing your needs.


Case Specialist
Dell Customer Care

How am I doing? You may provide feedback by e-mail to my manager
When corresponding with Dell, please include your order or customer reference number




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