Category: WordPress
WordPress 💖 Emoji
The latest stable version of WordPress, and all those precede it, do not support emoji. The default database character set used simply isn’t compatible with it. Emoji are the next generation of emoticons. They’re the little pictographs like ????????. Quite frankly, I love them. Can’t get enough of them. I’m happy to say that work…
From The Other Side: The WordPress Dev World from a Blogger’s POV
I’ve never been called a user before. In my world I’m a writer, an editor, a blogger, a creative. I know my role in the agency world, consultant world, and publishing world. I have literally no clue about my role in the blogging world, despite having been a blogger since 2008. At WordCamp I felt…
WordCamp Austin: Done.
WordCamp Austin: Sassy Foundations
Corey Ellis walks us through SASS. Live blog… Have you thought about using SASS for your WordPress development but have no idea where to begin? Not even sure what SASS is? I’ll briefly explain exactly what SASS is. Then we’ll walk and talk through how to set up SASS on your machine and start using…
WordCamp Austin: Improving Development Workflow with Grunt
Live blogging on Grunt
WordCamp Austin: Andrew Nacin
Live bloggin’ the keynote!