Category: Austin

  • Coffee Bar

    Last night, I was sitting in bed thinking and the idea of having a coffee bar came to me. This would be a coffee shop that would serve coffee, breakfast snacks, etc like every other coffee shop we’ve ever seen. All of the usual perks would be there–tables to work at, free WiFi, funky lighting.…

  • Experiments in the Urban Life

    Image via Wikipedia V and I have been looking for homes. We consider ourselves urbanites; we are not interested in the suburbs. Moving out to Round Rock or Cedar Park or even a far-off area of Austin (like Circle C) just does not appeal to us. We like being able to walk to everything. We like…

  • Goodbye Route 29

    Image via Wikipedia I hardly knew you. To be filed in the “Things No One Cares About Else It Wouldn’t Be Happening” folder, Capital Metro is proposing that they cancel Route 29. Route 29 is, frankly, not the best of the routes, heading from basically Zilker to the UT campus. When I lived near South…

  • Austin’s New Bishop

    Rocco can knock out the words faster and with a nicer flare than I can, so I’m going to throw you over to him to read the skinny on our new bishop. Bishop Vasquez is the fifth bishop of Austin, three of whom were priests of Galveston(/Houston), of which two of them were Auxiliary Bishop…

  • What’s Next – Diocese of Austin?

    So, we no longer have Bishop Aymond. Archbishop-Elect Aymond is the new archbishop, but he isn’t installed until August 20th? Who’s in charge? What’s going on. Canon law is here to help. From today until August 20th (or probably August 19th, since the action of taking canonical possession typically happens during a Vespers the night…

  • Abp-Elect Aymond – First Words

    The first statements have been released, with more at a 4 p.m. press conference here in Austin. First, the Archbishop-Elect wrote a letter to the Diocese of Austin: Dear Brother Priests, Friends and Co-workers in Ministry: This letter is very difficult to write. I wish I could communicate this message personally, but that is not…