Category: College

  • academics and kraft: a bittersweet story

    I’m in my fourth year at The University. I’ve been enrolled in over many more classes than required for my degree. I could graduate this summer, if it wasn’t for one particular subject which is neither my major or my minor. I’m simply tired of it. I work 30 hours a week now doing something…

  • another example of poor information design is an example of poor information design. This website is a cheap-looking knock off of the ever-popular Facebook. The site’s navigation is unclear and uses various terms that need definition. What’s this “tickle” and then this “kiss” thing? You can be a friend and a fan? Until recently, you could only browse up through…

  • preparing for changes

    With the Diocesan Campaign, some changes are in store. The campaign’s executive director was reassigned to a different project outside of the Diocese and someone else just moved in to take his place. Since I’ve never been involved with anything like this, I am interested in discovering how switching out the ED at this point…

  • diocese of austin and development as a ministry

    For my service hours in PA 325, I have opted to volunteer for the Diocese of Austin’s Capital Campaign: Our Faith Our Legacy. I will post limited details as the campaign is still in the quiet phase preparing for a more formal kickoff. In reference to the previous post on the matter, I think logistically…

  • writing with style: conversations on the art of writing (2nd edition)

    Writing with Style: Conversations on the Art of Writing (2nd Edition) by John R. Trimble I highly suggest this “writing manual”. I purchased this book for a class a few years ago and read it, yes read it, while commutting on my beloved Route 1 (which is now Routes 1L and 1M, but that’s not…

  • wednesday at noon

    For my STS 321 course, our instructor asked for the reflections to be posted by noon on Wednesday. In all honestly, I’ll be lucky to hit that deadline. In the case of this week’s ready, I did it last weekend unsure of when the due date for it fell. On Tuesday, we learn more about…