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  • It may be illogical, but I am generally loyal to Texan companies, until they abandon the thing that made them special. Whataburger sold out. Southwest became… like the rest. No reason for loyalty.

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  • A facelift‽‽‽

    Indeed. I switched the site over to the very alpha, raw, unfinished version of Twenty Twenty, the upcoming default theme that will be released with a future version of WordPress. Over the years, I’ve found the best way to find and fix bugs with the default themes is to use it on a site you…

  • Live Big, Love Bigger

    Kathryn Whitaker‘s new book, Live Big, Love Bigger hit shelves yesterday and I couldn’t put it down. I’ve known Kathryn for probably nearly 15 years now—she was the graphic designer that created most of the paper printed for the University Catholic Center when I worked there. We became friends through her amazing design, my knack…

  • El Paso Shooting (and Dayton too)

    El Paso Shooting (and Dayton too)

    Thankfully, we did not have any family or friends involved at the recent El Paso shooting, but far too many people are not able to say the same thing today. One family member was there no more than two hours before the shooting and there is no reason why she was spared while others were…

  • Rangers at Astros

    Rangers would be a solid team if we could pitch better than a tee-ball team.

  • For the record…

    Almost a month exactly is how long I can be on the road with six kids before I hit the wall.

  • Big Dairy is trying to get teens hooked on lattes to boost milk sales

    Dairy groups hope young latte drinkers can help reverse decades of slumping milk sales. Source: Big Dairy is trying to get teens hooked on lattes to boost milk sales This is pretty amazing. As someone who opts for coconut milk for lattes, this makes me laugh. I’d drink more cow milk if it didn’t make…