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  • Keeping It Clean

    I went through my debug log tonight, which had been a bit long mainly due to older plugins throwing warnings in PHP 7. Of four plugins generating PHP 7 warnings, two had merged-but-unreleased fixes, one has a pending PR that I could apply and confirm working, and wrote a PR for the last one. Clean…

  • The Work Speaks For Itself

    The Work Speaks For Itself

    In leadership, whether that is of a household, of a monastery, or of a corporate team, some of our most damaging actions take place only because we aren’t fully thinking through our preconceived biases.

  • Children’s Allergies

    Over on the Daddy Blog, I shared a video of a 4-minute presentation I gave on one of the challenges of having a kiddo with food allergies. Watch the video below or click the link above to read the transcript. Also on: X

  • Venmo’s Defaults

    Venmo’s default settings are very uncomfortable. I’ve never used this payment service by PayPal before and, by default, I am friends with all of my phone’s contacts—I opted out of linking to Facebook—and I would automatically make public anytime I exchanged money. Not only to my “friends”, but totally public. I shouldn’t know that someone…

  • Calendar Scratchpad?

    My dentist's calendaring program had a "scratchpad" where they could drag an appointment, then find where on the calendar they wanted it, then drag it back into the calendar grid. Anyone know of a Google Calendar-compatible OS X app that has something like that? Also on: X Facebook

  • Criminals… What?

    In our neighborhood Facebook group, a neighbor reported her car was broken into with stuff stolen. And they vomited in the passenger seat. Any suggestions for home security cameras? Also on: X Facebook