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  • I’m curious if there would be cost-savings if all these uniformed Federal police agencies in DC merged? Keep the Supreme Court and Capitol Police (separate branches), but FBI Police vs Mint Police vs Bureau of Engraving Police vs National Zoological Park Police vs NPS Park Police vs…. it keeps going.

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  • I’m no stranger to traveling and have planned for larger groups, but planning Walt Disney World for a family of nine (in-laws too!) is a whole new level of madness.

  • I’ve traveled all across the western hemisphere—Maine to Hawaii, British Columbia to Belize—and Ireland and Italy, and still, the two-hour time change of the Pacific is the hardest for me to adjust.

  • Monday. A shattered soap dispenser, another hand closed in a door, and a plant knocked off the mantle. Monday.

  • Dorothy figured out to get out of her crib last night, which means Ana will learn tomorrow. She climbed out, went to sleep on Teresa’s bed, then nearly fell out of bed if we didn’t catch her. She had found her water bottle and it fell off the bed, which led us to investigate just…

  • I really dig and what I think it will lead to. I’ll fiddle some—I like post titles, but using them truncates the content on as is. Probably make a quick plugin to make it work nicely together.


    I’m now on at @bjk. I’m trying it as a indie web/microblog aggregation tool that allows all of my content to still live on this site while microblog posts are shared in the social network.