Indulge me. I don’t go bananas proud papa bear often. I’m usually coaching their games so I never record this stuff. I wasn’t in sports as a kid (save a season of football in 4th grade and a year of CC) and seeing O absolutely in love with it all is a freaking blast
Indulge me. I don’t go bananas proud papa bear often. I’m usually coaching their games so I never record this stuff. I wasn’t in sports as a kid (save a season of football in 4th grade and a year of CC) and seeing O absolutely in love with it all is a freaking blast

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Indulge me. I don’t go bananas proud papa bear often. I’m usually coaching their games so I never record this stuff. I wasn’t in sports as a kid (save a season of football in 4th grade and a year of CC) and seeing O absolutely in love with it all is a freaking blast


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