Archives: Photos
Sigh. So close from seeing 88888. If we saw some “serious shit” at 88 MPH, can you imagine what would have happened if I was going 88 when hitting 88888
Sigh. So close from seeing 88888. If we saw some “serious shit” at 88 MPH, can you imagine what would have happened if I was going 88 when hitting 88888
Olivia with her first project board presentation, pictured with her lab assistant, Catalina.
Olivia with her first project board presentation, pictured with her lab assistant, Catalina.
Sitting up here with a good book would be a pretty nice way to spend an afternoon.
Sitting up here with a good book would be a pretty nice way to spend an afternoon.
Me: I’m just going to run right in for this one thing. I know exactly where it is, going to be a real fast stop.HEB: Heh. Your move, smart man.
Me: I’m just going to run right in for this one thing. I know exactly where it is, going to be a real fast stop. HEB: Heh. Your move, smart man.
This is such an interesting little cafe
This is such an interesting little cafe
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!