

I’m definitely not a Republican and I struggle identifying myself as a Democrat since being religious and not wholly embracing every social policy makes me an intolerant scumbag, apparently.…


3 responses

  1. kraft Avatar

    I dig DFLA’s approach on things like the Pregnant Women Support Act to expand WIC, etc to provide as much support to pregnant women as possible to reduce/eliminate reasons for an abortion.

  2. kraft Avatar

    Desperate times can lead people to do desperate things. Back alley and coat hanger abortions were/are things people do, so just making abortion illegal isn’t going make abortion go away. Pro-life should be whole-life and our efforts should be across the whole spectrum.

  3. kraft Avatar

    Often the pro-life movement does act more anti-abortion than pro-life, which is a shame because I think the whole life worldview is more appealing and has a greater chance of getting folks from all parts of the political landscape.